Saturday, October 19, 2013

Story, Circle and PLN interaction

I really like Helen Blunden's suggestion to include testimonials as part of documenting one's PLN. I like it so much that I tweet about it.
I acknowledge Helen (@ActivateLearn), bring it to the attention of my friend Rhonda (@rljessen) and to my university cohort (#MACT13). Helen responds with
This response makes me think of the power of stories and the power of circles! Two associated ideas come to mind.
  1. The pioneering circle work that Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea have done through PeerSpirit. I participated in their advanced circle practice course last fall and have been trying to see how some of the elements of circle work could be used to strengthen PLNs.
  2. As part of my course work in communication technology at the University of Alberta I have been considering the transition from an entirely oral society, to a literate society where knowledge was separated from the knower, to our current connected Internet enabled society. It seems to me an appropriate icon for totally oral societies would be a circle, whereas a line would be appropriate for literate societies and a network (of circles & lines?) would work for an Internet active society.
As I am thinking and tweeting with Helen, I see that Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth)
has also been reading Helen's post and has responded to one of Helen's blog post.
Steve often has very interesting blog posts, so I head to his learning with e's. His latest post, Mobile Learning and Blended Interaction, prompts me to both leave a comment on his log page (which Steve replies to) and tweet, 
From there I go and look at Steve's latest youtube posting re:edupunk. Yes!!! He is beating a drum that I have been marching to for a long time. In fact his comments reflect some of the main reasons my husband and I decided, 22 years ago, to home educate our children. So I tweet
Which Steve then retweets

Back to thinking about story, circles and PLNs. I would really like to be part of a conversation regarding ways in which story and circle can be incorporated into my PLN  interactions. So I tweet

hoping that I can get some feedback and suggestions regarding story, circles and PLN interaction.

I welcome comments regarding incorporating more of story and circle into PLNs.


  1. I think I might need a bit more context on the 'circle' concept - can you expand on that a bit pls?

  2. Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea have pioneered a circle protocol for working with groups. I did the advanced training with them and I am convinced that the ancient rite of people gathering, centring, grounding, connecting and sharing at a heart level is essential to our well being. PLNs are all about connection and sharing. I am trying to sort through whether there is a way that our PLN connections could more consistently include the concepts of grounding and centring. Is there a loose sort of protocol we could introduce that would make PLN connections more meaningful, thoughtful, heartful while remaining safe? What would that look like? When would it be appropriate?
    Christina and Ann's book, The Circle Way: a leader in every chair, is a must read book. PLNs are all about collaborative group process. The question I am asking is, do the basic tenants of circle relate to networks? If so, how?
